2022 Point in Time Count

Linked here is the 2022 PIT Count data, detailing 668 individuals experiencing homelessness in Chittenden County during the PIT Count of 2022.

The report of Vermont’s statewide count of those experiencing homelessness in 2022 can be found here

The PIT Count provides important information about the nature of unmet need in our community and
shows trends over time. During the night of the PIT count we are able to gather a snapshot of insight
into the demographics and characteristics of those who are unsheltered, living in emergency shelter,
accessing Vermont’s Agency of Human Services General Assistance Emergency Housing program, or
residing in transitional housing for the homeless.
Due to its nature of only counting where someone slept on a given night, the PIT count does not reveal
how many persons are entering and exiting homelessness in Vermont over the course of the year. The
Count does not answer why people become homeless, how they leave homelessness when they do, or
what barriers might be preventing them from returning to permanent housing. The Count cannot give
explanations as to changes in rates of homelessness or different demographic groups, we must look to
communities and people with lived experience for this information.