CCHA Committees
The Chittenden County Homeless Alliance is comprised of a Steering Committee, two primary sub-committees, and a number of additional sub-committees. Find minutes by clicking the buttons below:
Steering Committee
Primary Subcommittees:
Coordinated Entry Committee Strategic Planning Committee
Comprised of the executive slate (co-chairs, treasurer, secretary, facilitator, and collaborative applicant), the Executive Committee meets once per month to set agenda for upcoming Steering and Community Meetings; monitors funding and finances of the Alliance; responds to time-sensitive requests; and mediates points of tension within the coalition. The Executive Committee ensures set-up of the meeting venue is welcoming and cognizant to new members and members with lived experience. The Executive Committee hosts quarterly meetings with leadership of each sub-committee to ensure cross-committee
collaboration and adherence to the goals within the Strategic Plan. The Executive Committee develops and implements MOUS, priorities and advocacy, processes, and procedures based on input from the CCHA sub Committees and approval from the CCHA Steering Committee. The Executive Committee reviews and updates all governing documents in collaboration with the sub-Committees, secures backbone, fiscal, and administrative support as needed.
To move the CCHA toward its mission to prevent and end homelessness, the Strategic Planning Committee will work to identify current gaps in the system, and housing and service challenges in the CCHA, and develop annual strategies for implementation. The Strategic Planning Committee will report at each of the Community Meetings on current strategies, progress toward goals, and other key information. The Strategic Planning Committee will review all HUD directives and policy briefs to provide guidance in CCHA planning.
This committee is charged with identifying systemic approaches for the CCHA to meet HUD’s requirements related to coordinated entry. The committee will make recommendations to the Steering Committee on approaches to coordinated entry and offer the Steering Committee recommendations for implementation. The committee will remain in effect after full implementation to monitor progress on coordinated entry and to offer changes as needed.
⇒ The Community Housing Review Committee will function as a sub-committee of the Coordinated Entry Committee. The Community Housing Review Committee is charged with coordinating subsidy, services, and housing placement for households on the CCHA’s Coordinated Entry Master List, as prioritized according to the community’s coordinated entry policies and procedures.
The purpose of this Committee is to identify potential interested and qualified candidates for positions on the Steering Committee, including officer positions; conduct outreach to ensure that the membership is reflective of our community and includes BIPOC representation to increase participation, leadership, and decision-making within CCHA activities; develop clear orientation materials about the Alliance; provide professional development training based on
current knowledge; and plan Community Meetings in consultation with the Steering Committee officers and full Steering Committee; Provide support to the operations of the Lived Experience Engagement Working Group. In addition, the Membership and Outreach Committee will survey current partners toward several ends:
- To determine needs/interests of partners and their and connection to the Alliance,
- To determine how partners currently gather and use feedback from people with lived
experience, - To determine if there are strategies for sharing, aligning, or streamlining this feedback
collection and integration across the housing services system.
The purpose of this Committee is to review data regularly including Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA); collect and analyze specific data metrics to identify whether and how racial disparities exist; report on data; serve as liaison with contracted Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) administrator and HMIS Lead Agency; make recommendations to Steering Committee and CCHA regarding software changes; monitor progress on LSA and overall
adherence to data quality; develop and implement data quality policy, processes, and procedures; identify and prioritize data needs and gaps; Identify the types of resource or actor inventories or maps available or needed to better leverage existing resources, ensure they are updated and available; coordinate Point-In-Time Count (PIT Count) and ensure compliance with HUD requirements and recommendations; make recommendations to Steering Committee regarding any significant changes to PIT Count; train CCHA members including volunteers and the broader public on PIT Count structure and implementation. This sub-committee can make changes to PIT Count implementation, ensure coordination of outreach staff, service provider staff, and volunteers to conduct PIT Count. to align with HUD requirements. Any changes that divert from HUD requirements require approval of the Steering Committee.
This sub-committee can make changes to PIT Count implementation to align with HUD requirements. Any changes that divert from HUD requirements require approval of the Steering Committee.
This Committee reviews annual NOFO and NOFO-related communications from HUD including official Notices, Policy Updates, or other HUD guidance that impacts the NOFO competition. Review closely HUD NOFO for policies and priorities that would impact CCHA in the national competition; prepare a formal presentation to the Steering Committee on policy objectives, key changes in application or HUD and CCHA priorities. Review application and its requirements. Prepare a CCHA-specific Request for Proposals (RFP) to reflect HUD policies and priorities. Develop a timeline for the CCHA RFP. Oversee issuance of the RFP and address
inquiries or concerns. Develop a companion scoring protocol for CCHA applications.
The NOFO Committee will work closely with the Strategic Planning Committee in an effort to align the NOFO priorities with the priorities of the CCHA. The NOFO Committee will include the Collaborative Applicant.
When the CCHA is required to prioritize project applications a separate committee will be formed. The members of this Application Ranking Committee cannot be staff of agencies with projects being considered for funding. Members of this Application Ranking Committee do not have to be current members of the CCHA. Possible members can be recommended by the Outreach and Membership Committee or any other CCHA sub-committee. The Steering Committee will select the final composition of the Application Ranking Committee on an annual basis as needed.
While membership is not restricted to members of the CCHA, members of the Application Ranking Committee must have the capacity to review applications, to apply a scoring matrix responsibly, and have no conflict of interest. The Application Ranking Committee will consist of no less than three members and will always be an odd number.
This committee is charged with identifying systemic approaches to address veteran-specific housing needs. The Chairperson of the Vermont Veterans committee on Homelessness (VVCH) will serve as the Chair of this committee (or a representative of the VVCH in the Chair’s stead). The committee will make recommendations to the Steering Committee on Veteran issues and offer the Steering Committee recommendations for
resolution. The committee will remain in effect after full implementation to monitor progress on Veteran related issues and to offer changes as needed. A primary focus of the committee is to end veterans’ homelessness as part of a national federal initiative involving four federal partners; Health and Human Services (HHS), Housing and Urban Development (HUD), United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH), and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA).
The Veterans Committee’s collaborative work is guided by the following Criteria and Benchmarks for Achieving the Goal of Ending Veterans Homelessness.
The Committee has quarterly meetings to assess and improve upon the homeless assistance system in Vermont for Veterans and bi-monthly meetings for case conferencing.
Contact Jason Brill, Chair of the Veterans Committee for more information, or click here.
Veterans Committee Policies
VVCH Governance Charter Appendix A
VVCH Coordinated Entry (CE) Appendix