Funding HUD CoC NOFO FFY2023

FFY2023 Competition only:The Chittenden County Homeless Alliance VT – 501 Continuum of Care Announces Approved Consolidated Application for FY 2023 HUD CoC Program Competition.
September 26th 2023
The Approved VT-501 Burlington/Chittenden Continuum of Care CoC Consolidated Application is published below. The Consolidated Application includes the CoC Application and the Project Priority Listing (project list and ranking) for the HUD FY2023 Continuum of Care Program Funding NOFO. The application submission was approved by the Steering Committee of the VT-501 Continuum of Care on 26th September 2023.
Please follow these links to review:
VT-501 CoC Program FY 23 Approved Consolidated Application  (Narratives)
VT-501 CoC Program  FY 23 Approved Priority Listing (project list and ranking) for all New and Renewal Applications.
For Comments or Questions about the Approved Application please email the CCHA Collaborative Applicant at
These documents will be submitted to HUD by Thursday, September 28th 2023
Draft Consolidated Application for 2023 HUD CoC NOFO and CCHA RFP Applications for review by CCHA Steering Committee.
September 22nd 2023
The draft of the CoC Consolidated Application for the 2023 CoC HUD NOFO is available for review and comment. 

View the draft for approval HERE

The CoC Steering Committee will hold a Special Remote Meeting Tuesday September 26th 2023 11:00am – 11.30am CCHA Steering Committee to review and approve the Consolidated Application in response to the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 2023.
1. Review of CCHA Consolidated Application for HUD CoC NOFO 2023.
2. *Vote Warned* “The Steering Committee approves the submission of the Consolidated Application for the 2023 HUD CoC NOFO”
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 951 2387 9047
Passcode: 375280
Ranking and Project Listing for 2023 HUD CoC NOFO and CCHA RFP Applications approved by CCHA Steering Committee.
September 10th 2023
The Ranking and Project Listing of project applications by the Ranking Committee were submitted for approval to the Steering Committee Meeting of the CCHA on September 7th, 2023

View the ranking and project listing recommendation of the Ranking Committee HERE   

Scoring Tool for 2023 HUD CoC NOFO and CCHA RFP Applications approved by CCHA Steering Committee.

Thursday 3rd August, 2023 – republished 18th August, 2023

The Ranking Policy and Scoring Tool were approved at the CCHA Steering Committee on August 3rd, 2023.

View the approved Ranking Policy HERE

View the approved scoring tool HERE

Timeline and Request for Proposals for 2023  HUD Continuum of Care NOFO Available

Wednesday 26th July, 2023

The Request for Proposals for the 2023 CoC NOFO is available. Please read the CCHA’s RFP and see the timeline below for application deadlines.

RFP application download for the 2023 HUD CoC NOFO – CCHA

2023 timeline for application deadlines


Application deadlines:

Housing Project (NEW or RENEWAL) Initial Application forms must be submitted electronically before
4:00 PM EST Tuesday, August 21, 2023. Housing Projects are Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH),
Rapid Rehousing (RRH), Transitional Housing & Rapid Rehousing (TH-RRH).

Coordinated Entry (CE) and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) (NEW or RENEWAL)
project Letter of Intent is due electronically before 4:00 PM EST, Tuesday, August 15, 2023.

All eligible applicants are encouraged to submit proposals for any of the funds listed below. Organizations that do not currently receive CCHA CoC program funding are encouraged to submit proposals. Proposals are also welcome from current recipients of this funding

The Chittenden County Homeless Alliance receives funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Every year, we post an RFP (Request for Proposals) for HUD funds.

Please share this announcement widely with your networks!  (The most recent updates appear at the top of the page.)

2023 HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Opportunity Available

Monday 10th July, 2023

The US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) has posted the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Continuum of Care Competition.

The NOFO is available here


Please share this announcement widely with your networks!  (The most recent updates appear at the top of the page.)

Please send any edits, comments or concerns directly to Marcella Gange of CEDO (CEDO is the CCHA Collaborative Applicant) at or (802)865-7144 

The CCHA 2023 Request for Proposals is available upon request in alternative formats for persons with disabilities.  Please contact the CCHA Collaborative Applicant, CEDO, for this or any other reason, at 802.865.7144