Special Meeting of the CCHA Steering Committee to Approve the 2023 HUD CoC NOFO Consolidated Application for Funding- Sept. 26th, 2023

  1. The consolidated application and priority listing are available on the CCHA website here:



Please review and send any questions, edits, or additions to mgange@burlingtonvt.gov

(CEDO is the Collaborative Applicant for this process for the CCHA Continuum of Care for Burlington/Chittenden)

  1. Steering Committee members and other CCHA members- Please attend a Special Remote Meeting Tuesday September 26th  2023 11:00am – 11.30am  CCHA Steering Committee to review and approve the Consolidated Application in response to the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) 2023.

This will be a short meeting but we require approval from a quorum of voting members – please attend

1. Review of CCHA Consolidated Application for HUD CoC NOFO 2023.
2. *Vote Warned* “The Steering Committee approves the submission of the Consolidated Application for the 2023 HUD CoC NOFO”

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 951 2387 9047

Passcode: 375280