NOFO & Ranking Committees
NOFO Committee
Reviews annual Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) and NOFO-related communications from HUD including official Notices, Policy Updates, or other HUD guidance that impacts the NOFO competition. Review closely HUD NOFO for policies and priorities that would impact CCHA in the national competition; prepare a formal presentation to the Steering Committee on policy objectives, key changes in application or HUD and CCHA priorities. Review application and its requirements. Prepare a CCHA-specific Request for Proposals (RFP) to reflect HUD policies and priorities. Develop a timeline for the CCHA RFP. Oversee issuance of the RFP and address inquiries or concerns. Develop a companion scoring protocol for CCHA applications.
The NOFO Committee will work closely with the Strategic Planning Committee in an effort to align the NOFO priorities with the priorities of the CCHA. The NOFO Committee will include the Collaborative Applicant.
Application Ranking Committee
When the CCHA is required to prioritize project applications a separate committee will be formed. The members of this Application Ranking Committee cannot be staff of agencies with projects being considered for funding. Members of this Application Ranking Committee do not have to be current members of the CCHA. Possible members can be recommended by the Outreach and Membership Committee or any other CCHA sub-committee. The Steering Committee will select the final composition of the Application Ranking Committee on an annual basis as needed.
While membership is not restricted to members of the CCHA, members of the Application Ranking Committee must have the capacity to review applications, to apply a scoring matrix responsibly, and have no conflict of interest. The Application Ranking Committee will consist of no less than three members and will always be an odd number.