Executive Committee
Comprised of the executive slate (co-chairs, treasurer, secretary, facilitator, and collaborative applicant), the Executive Committee meets once per month to set agenda for upcoming Steering and Community Meetings; monitors funding and finances of the Alliance; responds to time-sensitive requests; and mediates points of tension within the coalition. The Executive Committee ensures set-up of the meeting venue is welcoming and cognizant to new members and members with lived experience. The Executive Committee hosts quarterly meetings with leadership of each sub-committee to ensure cross-committee
collaboration and adherence to the goals within the Strategic Plan. The Executive Committee develops and implements Memorandums of Understanding, priorities and advocacy, processes, and procedures based on input from the CCHA sub Committees and approval from the CCHA Steering Committee. The Executive Committee reviews and updates all governing documents in collaboration with the sub-Committees, secures backbone, fiscal, and administrative support as needed.