Steering Committee


Meeting Minutes


The Steering Committee, in collaboration with the Co-Chairs and Executive sub-Committee, utilizing the standing and ad hoc subcommittees as appropriate shall:

A. Set the CCHA’s agenda for the Community and Steering Committee Meetings and ensure that they are publicized in advance;
B. Ensure that the activities undertaken by CCHA are effectuated;
C. Coordinate the activities of CCHA;
D. To the extent practicable, coordinate efforts with the Vermont Balance of State Continuum of Care;
E. Ensure that elections are held biennially;
F. Direct the Secretary to remove members from active status pursuant to these rules;
G. Bring to the attention of CCHA new sources of funding to support CCHA’s mission;
H. Periodically review CCHA’s long-term and strategic plan(s);
I. Oversee the work of the standing and ad hoc subcommittees;
J. Hear member grievances;
K. Identify and recruit additional members;
L. Review recommendations put forth by committees and vote on decisions such as changes in HMIS software;
M. Create ad hoc committees as needed to assist the CCHA to work toward its overall mission and achieve stated objectives and action plans;
N. Work with individual subcommittees to develop annual action plans for presentation at Community Meetings for Voting Membership approval;
O. Select a Ranking Committee for the purposes of ranking projects to be included in the CCHA application to HUD for CoC funding;
P. Ensure that CCHA is represented at Vermont Balance of State Continuum of Care meetings.

Steering Committee Members
Steering Committee Member List (October 2024)

Our CCHA Steering Committee meetings are open to the community.  We welcome input from community members, especially those with lived experience of homelessness.

We also welcome those who have worked or volunteered serving people who are homeless, employees of government agencies, representatives of the business community, members of religious and secular organizations, and others who want to make a positive difference in our community.

Get Involved:
If your organization would like to apply to be on our Steering Committee, please send an email to the CCHA Coordinator, Bryce Bierman.


Information about the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance is available in alternative formats upon request for persons with disabilities.  To request an alternative format please email CCHA Coordinator, Bryce Bierman.